Friday, May 15, 2015

In Search Of Upper Back Pain Products?
By Dr. Natalie Cordova

What is available out there? What can you do about your posture issue? What upper back pain products can I find to help me improve my posture? The available items seem to fall into two main categories: exercises and supports. (We won’t include any type of prescription or over-the-counter medications here.)

Why not choose a posture strap or other posture correcting device when seeking out upper back pain products? Isn’t correcting your posture problem what you’re trying to do? Why not go for the item that seems to do it almost instantly?

It’s right there on your computer screen. In the before picture she is slumping and this looks a lot like you. You know that those shoulders have to be causing her some pain. In the after picture, her posture is restored and she looks great. You can almost feel the back pain relief.

I think that’s the idea. They want you to be sold on how the person looks just moments after they put on the brace. I have no doubt that’s how they looked. What they don’t show is how that person looks weeks or months later (if they even continue to wear the brace).

If the person continues to wear the posture brace for weeks and months, the device will gradually lose its effectiveness. It can’t possibly strengthen your upper back muscles and help to maintain the good posture result. At best you’ve now created a crutch that must be worn forever in order for your spine to stay in a good position.

The other type of upper back pain product out there is the kind that teaches you how to strengthen your posture muscles to alleviate the pain. By strengthening (and stretching) the rigth muscles, you build your own back brace out of muscle.

This creates support for the spine and its associated spinal discs. The more pressure you can take off the spine, the greater the amount of relief you’ll likely feel in your upper back. More importantly, you’re not just removing one problem and creating another in its place.

Taking the time to strengthen the back muscles that are creating the pain in the first place will stabilize and prevent ongoing problems, not just temporarily make it seem like the problem has been fixed.

Author Resource – Dr. Natalie Cordova is a posture exercise expert, chiropractor, and health educator. More information can be found at his website at
Improving Posture As An Alternative Low Back Pain Treatment?
By Dr. Natalie Cordova

You’ve tried over the counter medications, maybe had a few massages and you’re still not better? Have you tried a chiropractor yet? Maybe you have and the results didn’t last long enough because your normal daily activities seem to keep aggravating everything.

Sound familiar? Maybe it’s time for an alternative low back pain treatment. I like to call it posture exercise.

The idea is that if your muscles are spasming and tightening up over and over again, they must not have the strength to support your daily routine and they tighten up to give a false strength.

So you change your chair, change your mattress and go through the wide array of low back treatments out there. An alternative low back pain treatment is to strengthen the back muscles and create your own muscular back brace.

This takes a lot of the pressure and strain off of spinal joints and allows you to experience pain relief and keep it from coming back again. It may not seem like the easiest route when you’re in pain, but it may likely be the route that keeps the pain from coming back.

If you are having a low back pain issue, certainly address the pain and get feeling better. As soon as you do, this is your chance to strengthen your postural muscles and counteract all the things you do in your day that are getting you to this point in the first place.

Make a lasting change by strengthening your back and improving your posture.

Author Resource – Dr. Natalie Cordova is a posture exercise expert, chiropractor, and health educator. More information can be found at his website at

Exercise For Shoulder Arthritis Pain.
By Dr. Natalie Cordova

Exercise for shoulder arthritis pain is helpful, as long as you’re sure nothing in the shoulder is torn. Arthritis is kind of general term, meaning “inflammation of the joint.” There are many types of arthritis and the term is used to cover a lot of conditions.

Some people seem to think only of rheumatoid arthritis when they hear the term, but that’s significantly more complicated than just inflammation. You’re not going to exercise your way out of that type of arthritis. So that’s not the type of arthritis we’ll be discussing here.

Exercise for shoulder arthritis pain doesn’t usually involve a lot of heavy weights, but you will want to strengthen the rotator cuff and help stabilize the shoulder joint. The shoulder has a lot of directions it can move, so increasing the muscle strength to improve stability is key.

Since the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint (moves in the most directions) in the entire body, it is also the least stable. Strengthening the muscles that move the shoulder will take some of the pressure and strain off the shoulder joint.

Exercises for your rotator cuff can be done using resistance bands (or resistance tubing) and small hand weights to minimize the use of heavy weights and straining any of the surround tissues.

If you aggravate your shoulder, this will only increase the inflammation in the joint, leading to more “arthritis.” The goal will be to improve stability and strength, which will significantly reduce the amount of strain on the joint itself. The wear and tear of your joints will be reduced, and that alone will feel a lot better.

Follow a program that includes posture improving exercises carefully and you shouldn’t have any problems. If you experience sharp pain, stop immediately and consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Author Resource – Dr. Natalie Cordova is a posture exercise expert, chiropractor, and health educator. More information can be found at his website at

                The Corporate Athlete.

By Dr. Natalie Cordova
Are you an athlete? No? How about a corporate athlete? Do you compete in the corporate world while sitting at your desk? Still no? You are an athlete! You have to understand, I see an athlete as someone that uses their body to compete. An athlete’s body must be a highly tuned, well functioning machine. Still, many corporate athletes have forgotten that they need their bodies to work as well as possible in order for them to perform at their highest level… even if they never leave their chair.

Many corporate athletes have bodies that are not working the way they should, even beginning to break down and leave them dealing with regular aches and pains as a part of their normal day. Why do our bodies break down? Typically, you can trace most of your body’s musculus-skeletal problems to imbalances, posture, and overuse.

Imbalances are easy to identify, if you know what you’re looking for. Take a look at the movements and activities you do during an average day you will see that you basically do the same things each day. Over and over again. Day in and day out. Not much variety, and not much balance. Balance would mean that you do many activities involving muscles of your front as well as your back. Good balance would also involve movements on the right and left sides of your body.

The computer user keeps their hands in front of them all day, head pushed forward and eyes glued to the screen. They keep this nearly identical posture as they drive into work, and when they drive home, before resuming this posture again at the dinner table and the couch. How many hours in a day are they imbalanced in a forward position? Eight? Ten? Sixteen? Is it any wonder that their muscles, ligaments, and tendons start to change shape?

Bad posture is also easily identified… usually on someone else. Have someone take a look at you while you work at your desk. Is your monitor up high enough or are you looking down at it by bending your neck? How’s your chair? Does it allow you to sit up straight? Are your shoulders hunched?

What about the position of your mouse, where you put the papers you are reviewing, how you hold your phone, the angle of your wrists… it can be a lot to look at! You want to make sure that your body can stay in as much of a good, well-balanced posture for as much of the day as possible. Having a friendly co-worker take a look at you and your body position can allow you to address potential issues before it’s too late. It only takes a minute, and you can return the favor by observing them at their workstation.

Overuse injuries come from doing any movement over and over again until the body part just plain wears out! These injuries can occur over a shorter period of time when imbalances and poor posture are also a part of that movement. Trauma is usually easy to identify when it involves falling down or a car accident. What about repetitive trauma, also called micro-trauma?

Micro-trauma is not so easily noticed until symptoms start to appear. The same movement or action that caused the injury becomes painful to do. That should be your red alert that you cannot keep doing that movement in the same way. Even treatment will only temporarily relieve the pain if you go back to doing the same thing the wrong way again every day.

The symptoms of your body breaking down are not always pain. Other warning signs can be there for years before pain shows up. Bad posture is already a warning sign that trouble is ahead. The typical shoulder slouching head forward posture is rampant in our society! You likely don’t have to leave your house to find someone living with this posture.

Bad posture leads to further imbalances and a speeding up of the overuse injuries. If you take a look at someone with this posture, you’ll notice that muscles in the front (like the chest muscles) start to become shorter, while the back muscles start to become longer. This is not just a visual change, but a physical change. Your muscles are actually becoming short in the front and long in the back, a serious imbalance.

Another symptom is a loss of range of motion, or a loss of the normal ability to move the spine or any other joint through all of their normal movements. Does your head turn painlessly right and left to the same degree? Can you move your head forward and back easily, or just forward? What about your low back or other joints like your wrists, elbows, and shoulders? Compare side to side and see if they are equal. Of course they could both need help, but this is a good starting point.

The good news is that most of these problems can be helped without surgery. Of course, every person is different and when they decide to do something about their problem is also very important. Wait too long and you may eliminate many conservative treatment options. Catch it early and make some changes to your workstation and you can avoid many painful lessons later.

For now, concentrate on your posture and evaluate your work station. Seek out activities that will allow some balance back into your movements, including weight workouts and stretching. If you are already experiencing pain, now is the time to do something about it. These problems rarely resolve themselves on their own. You must act by seeking the assistance of a qualified health professional.

Author Resource – Dr. Natalie Cordova is a posture exercise expert, chiropractor, and health educator. More information can be found at his website a

Thursday, May 14, 2015


By Suzanne Holman

One of the highlights at Miraval Resort in Tucson, Arizona is the Equine Experience.  I did NOT want to miss this opportunity.  I gave up my appointment for a spa treatment because it conflicted with this activity.

Purple Sage Ranch is just a dusty road away from the main resort.  Wyatt Webb, best-selling author and psychotherapist met us, loaded us up in the van and off we went to meet the horses.

We weren't there to ride the horses, but to do simple tasks with them.  Interacting with a horse gives you insight into yourself.  The idea of the Equine Experience is that the way you do one thing is the way you do most things.

Although I hadn't had any traumatic experiences with horses, I really didn't have much confidence because I hadn't even been riding for over 30 years.  And I've never groomed a horse.

So, our assignment was to pick out dirt from a horse’s hooves, brush him a couple of different ways, and lead him around the ring.  Later, we did another activity, lunging,  that I’ll describe in my next blog post.

Cherokee was my horse, a beautiful brown and white.  He had quite a personality, seeming to talk to us and often interacting with the fence to get our attention.

HOWEVER, he was not about to lift his hoof for me to clean it.
I followed the described procedure.  Hoof stayed firmly planted.
I felt as though I was assertive and he should have gotten the message.

When he didn't, I started feeling as though this wasn't going to work for me.
AND caught myself.  Yes, I can do this.   I walked away from the horse and approached him again with the thought in my mind that he definitely was going to need to pick up his hoof and he did!    And I did the same with the second hoof.  First try.  Yay!
So, when I was really DECISIVE, he got the message.

The same thing happened when I was about to walk him around the ring.
Hmmm, I’m pulling and he is standing still.
“OK, Cherokee.  We are going for a walk and here we go.”  My assertive steps soon had his following mine very nicely.

It was really clear to me that if I were more decisive in the actions I take in my business, that I would most likely see more positive results.  Doubt and uncertainty can certainly make an announcement to all involved that they don’t want to go along with an indecisive person!

Our attitude has a lot to do with our brain health.  Thinking positively and focusing on what is going well can make a huge difference in the clarity of our thinking.

If you’re ready to start improving your memory and your brain health, you need to check out the comprehensive

In this three-part audio course, you will learn more about what you can do for your brain and create a simple plan for yourself to get started.


By Suzanne Holman

Miraval Resort in Tucson, Arizona is known for its luxury spa treatments, exciting rope challenges, and experiences with the horses at the nearby Purple Sage Ranch.

What’s great about most of the challenges and the Equine Experience is that they are all included with your ample overall cost for the stay. Although the spa treatments were amazing ñ including a thermal mud wrap ñ what stands out most in my memory of the time at Miraval are the “Swing and a Prayer” rope challenge and the Equine Experience.

And, believe me, the mud wrap was memorable – black French mud mixed with spirulina. coated over my legs, arms, and torso, followed by being wrapped up in a cocoon and having my head massaged. This was followed by my taking a shower in the treatment room and trying to become white again. Then, an amazing massage to end the pampering.

Back to the horse story! After we had all done the first part of the experience, grooming our horse’s hooves, brushing, and walking; we moved over to another ring where we would be lunging a horse.

As I watched our instructor demonstrate what we would be doing ourselves, I was convinced that there was no way I could get the horse to do this. She pointed the center of her body (belly button) at the horse’s rear end and he amazingly started to walkÖ She went a little faster and he moved faster. She turned and pointed toward his side instead of his behind, and he stopped. Amazing!

And then, she walked around in such a way that he totally reversed directions and moved quite rapidly. And then she turned again and he stopped. Wow! I was totally impressed.

Amazing power in that energy being pointed in various directions. I watched as another woman did the same movements without quite such accuracy in the horse movements that resulted from her actions.

And then it was my turn. I concentrated on the energy in my body and confidently aimed my energy toward Bailey’s behind. And, what do you know? He moved. I moved more quickly and so did he! I aimed at his side and he stopped. AND, after a reminder of just exactly how to do the turn operation, that worked also. Bailey did a total turnaround. I was feeling so energized running around the ring!

What a powerful metaphor for how we can use our energy. When we connect with our internal power and direct it well, we can move mountains.

It’s really an inside job. Concentration is essential. And the knowing that we do have the power actually GIVES us the power. Thank you, Bailey, for the amazing experience at Miraval.

If you’re ready to start improving your memory and your brain health, you need to check out the comprehensive

In this three-part audio course, you will learn more about what you can do for your brain and create a simple plan for yourself to get started.

How to Get Healthier and Wealthier.

How to Get Healthier and Wealthier at the Same Time.

By Nicole Dean.

Here’s little quiz for you.

1. Do you love to eat? Ice cream, chips, fried foods, big slices of fresh bread, chocolate, cheese, sauces… Any of those making you drool?

2. Are you slacking off on the amount of exercise you should be doing? Making excuses to get out that exercise video, go to the gym, or even take a 1/2 hour walk every day? Who has time for that?

3. Do you wish you had more disposable income? Maybe an extra $100 per month to start?

If you answered “Yes” to at least 2 of the three questions above, you’re going to love this article.

But, first, don’t feel badly if you aren't eating well enough and aren't exercising enough. You aren't alone.

If you’re like most humans on the planet – you love to eat. Maybe a little too much. And, again, if you’re like most people on the planet, you’re not getting enough exercise. Perhaps you’re too busy working or taking care of your family, but the fact is that you’re not taking good enough care of yourself. And, finally, if you’re like most people on the planet – you’d like more money.

Here’s what I’m going to propose.

Start a Fitness Journal or Weight Loss Journey Blog for Fun and Profit

The cool thing is that you don’t HAVE to be an expert to succeed at this. In fact, the more believable you are as a flawed human being, the better off you can do.

Think about this. Who is the average American more likely to believe and trust?

1. Someone who has 3% body fat and looks like they spend all day at the gym and have natural genetics for general awesomeness?


2. Someone who has a before picture where they weighed 400 lbs and an after picture weighing in at a healthy 170?

I would want to know how the second person pulled it off. Don’t you?! Not only that, but if the blog was believable, I’d probably tell my friends, post on Facebook about it, and buy everything they offered about how I can lose weight, too!

So what does this mean? Simple. People search online for solutions to their problems. A BIG problem for people is their overall weight and lack of exercise. So, if you set up a blog, you can not only help those people but … and this is the best part … hold yourself accountable to lose weight, too.

Your first blog post can be as simple as this:

“My name is Sally and I have a confession to make. I need to lose about 80 lbs. How’d I gain it all? Well, it snuck up on me one potato chips at a time, but I’m determined to lose it because (insert your reason why here).  I’d like to use this blog as a diary to show you how I do it. I’ll share the ups and downs along the way. Share anything that works really well. And, the fads that I try that don’t. So you can avoid them! Please come back often to see how I’m doing. I’d love to cheer you on, too. So please comment and let me know how much weight you need to lose so we can do it together.”

You can do that. It’s as simple as writing an email.

The only trick is in getting started. That’s where I come in.

To learn exactly how to get your Weight Loss Journey blog up and running and make people love it, talk about it and come back for more — grab the guide “How to Start a Weight Loss Journey Blog“. You’ll also learn how to get traffic to your blog and make money doing something you enjoy.



Many people are super frightened and want to kill any snake that they may see near their home.
We’re not born with any fears except the fear of falling and of loud noises.  Other fears and phobias develop as a result of what others have shared with us as we've grown up.

That fear of reptiles develops from the conditioning from parents and others who have acquired the fear from their predecessors.

As a child I went to a day camp where one of the activities was going to the “snake pit”   where we would sit around the edge and the handler would
pick up snakes for us to handle.  I loved the little ring-necked snakes….about  8 – 10 inches long.  Fun to hold.   At the snake pit, I learned some of the characteristics of poisonous snakes – the flattened head, a small depression between the eyes and sometimes a “rattle” for a tail.

My parents didn't instill a huge fear in me…. I learned the value of snakes in controlling rodents.   We lived on the edge of some woods though and seeing a snake in the shed where we kept gardening supplies was a little startling.

Another unforgettable experience was when our basset hound yelped from the other room when we were living in a very large older home.  That large black snake definitely didn't belong in my kitchen….  Quickly removed, safely from the house, with the help of a large shovel.

Recently I had the opportunity to attend an event at  my grandsons’ school where “The Reptile Man” showed quite a variety of reptiles to the enthralled audience of children.  His loving attitude toward his animals quickly spread to the children and they were all excited at any opportunity to go up with him to be part of handling the animals.    He had a cute name for all of them… Sheila the Gila – monster.   He was very clear about leaving snakes alone in the wild.  They like to be left alone.  And poisonous snakes are not to be reckoned with.  He described in detail the effects of poisonous snake bites.  He taught the difference between realistic caution and unfounded fears.

To see the throngs of children lining up to have their picture taken with either a small alligator or a huge snake was amazing!  They knew these creatures were safe because of being raised in captivity.   With careful education, they knew that they could be close to these animals.  The generalization that all reptiles are scary was dropped by these kids for sure.

You may be wondering what this discussion has to do with your life.
What negative conditioning have you received that is affecting your mindset?
Are there things that you are not attempting because you have generalized your fears about trying something new or going to different places?

If you can just think rationally about opportunities rather than reacting quickly from your preconceived notions, you may very well find yourself getting beyond stuck and moving on to new experiences.  Think back over the last few days or weeks.  Where have you made quick decisions without getting beyond the old beliefs that may or may not be reality?

If you’re ready to start improving your memory and your brain health, you need to check out the comprehensive

In this three-part audio course, you will learn more about what you can do for your brain and create a simple plan for yourself to get started.

Take Care Of Your Brain To Avoid The                                Dinosaur Syndrome.

We all know the demise of the dinosaurs … they became extinct!

Think of the anatomy of the dinosaur.  They were huge creatures and had very small brains.

Ironic that what research is showing us is that as our bodies get more and more overweight, our brains get smaller.  Dr. Daniel Amen came up with the “Dinosaur Syndrome” name to paint a clear picture of the danger of being overweight.

With obesity comes more frequent diabetes, sleep apnea, and often high blood pressure.  All of these health problems are associated with a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Dr. Amen has written a number of books, the most recent one  The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off. And he recently opened an online site that offers ongoing support to those who choose to take the steps to get their weight down to a healthy level.

Recently, I heard Dr. Amen talk about a church he has helped to create a program for weight loss.  Saddleback Church is one of the largest churches in the United States.

Richard Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, is the pastor there.   They have a comprehensive website to support their congregation in getting fit.  Here is a link to Dr. Amen talking about the Dinosaur Syndrome:

When adults take the lead to eat consciously, children see this as an example of what is the appropriate way to eat and will follow suit.  The current statistics on obesity in our youth is disturbing.

Below are some statistics from the William J. Clinton Foundation, an organization that “focuses on worldwide issues that demand urgent action, solutions, and measurable results,” that will open your eyes to this huge problem.

    Almost 25% of our children do not participate in any free-time physical activity.
    Less than 25% of high school students take daily physical education classes.
    Healthcare payouts are three times higher for treatment of obese children
    Nearly 25 million children are overweight or obese
    Currently, there are five times more obese children, ages 6 – 11, than forty years ago

Think of the heath problems that will develop for these young people if they do not change their lifestyle.  Health care costs are high now but, what will they be in another 15 -20 years when these young people are going into their middle ages and older years.

It’s a wonderful thing that attention is being brought to this issue at the high level of Michelle Obama. There are efforts being made all over the country.

Kids love dinosaurs but, will they love having the Dinosaur Syndrome which results in shorter, unhealthy lives?

If you’re ready to start improving your memory and your brain health, you need to check out the comprehensive

In this three-part audio course, you will learn more about what you can do for your brain and create a simple plan for yourself to get started

Brain Excellence Comes From Training Just As Physical Excellence Does.

Not only does a twenty-six-year-old graduate student at the University of Miami have a fabulous memory due to lots of effort in developing it, he is training to climb Mt Everest next year.

Nelson Dellis won the 13th Annual USA Memory Championship held March 12, 2011 in NYC with fifty mental athletes competing. None of the competitors claim to have super memory talents, but claim that it is just from regular mental exercise.

We’ve heard the term photographic memory, often confused with the phenomenon called eidetic memory. There is no such thing as truly photographic memory. Eidetic memory does actually occur in 2 – 15 percent of children and rarely occurs in adults.

An eidetic image is an afterimage that lingers in the mind’s eye for up to a few minutes before it fades away. Children who do have eidetic memory do not have even nearly perfect recall. What they visualize is typically not nearly detailed as a body of text.

It’s just all about practice and determination for these contestants.

Ronnie White, the winner in the memorization of two decks of cards, said he has a person in mind to pair with every playing card in the deck. To memorize anything you really need that picture in your mind.

To prepare for the championship, contenders go into serious training even changing their eating and living habits. Dellis said he stopped drinking alcohol three months prior to the competition and started eating blueberries and taking omega 3’s every day.

Nelson Dellis also broke the record for number memorization, remembering the first hundred and seventy-eight digits of a randomly generated five-hundred-digit number, with just five minutes to study it. Dellis uses memorization techniques giving cards and numbers associations he can visualize-the name of a famous person, an action, an object.

One of the tasks was to memorize playing cards in order and be able to remember that order.  There are a number of different brain exercises where we can use ordinary playing cards.  You can sort them by suits or numbers and work at increasing your speed.  Just doing the memorization as Dellis did is a great exercise for your brain.  The associations you create in order to recall certain cards form new neuropathways in your brain.

Nelson’s  grandmother died of Alzheimer’s disease and the climb up Mt. Everest will earn money for research to help find a cure for this widespread disease. It was difficult for him to experience seeing his grandmother go through such drastic changes. He decided he wanted to make a difference in conquering this disease.

USA Memory Championship chairman and founder Tony Dottino, chairman and founder of the USA Memory Championship says that anyone who has the determination can have a good memory.

Nelson Dellis certainly has shown his determination with not only the mental training for this championship, but also with taking on the challenge of hiking Mt. Everest!

If you’re ready to start improving your memory and your brain health, you need to check out the comprehensive

In this three-part audio course, you will learn more about what you can do for your brain and create a simple plan for yourself to get started.